Ep 346 - captain america: Brave new world

We walked home from the long-awaited sequel to Edward Norton's Incredible Hulk movie.

Captain America Brave New World Poster.jpg




Cathy Cullen Dave Corkery The Cinemile Irish Podcast Best Movie Podcast , podcasts from cork, cork podcasts

A Walk Home From The Movies

Married couple Dave and Cathy have been podcasting their walk home from the movies since 2016. Sometimes with their children. The podcast began in London, and is now mainly recorded in Cork, Ireland.

Warning: This podcast includes some swearing and mild married-couple-bickering.

Find us on twitter @thecinemile, @cathycullen and @thisiscorkery.

Irish podcast The Cinemile wins British Podcast Award.


Best TV & Film Podcast (Winner) - Independent Podcast Awards 2024

Best Arts & Culture (Winner) - Irish Podcast Awards 2023

Best Entertainment (Nominee) - Irish Podcast Awards 2023

Best Film & TV Podcast (Nominee) - Independent Podcast Awards 2023

Best Independent Podcast - PodBible Poll Winners 2021

UK's Best New Podcast - British Podcast Awards 2017

Best 100 Podcasts in the World - Irish Mail on Sunday, 2019

Best Podcasts of 2017 - New Statesman.

Webby Awards 2019 Honoree, alongside How Did This Get Made?, The Daily Show and The Ellen Show.

“Suffused with charm and insight” - The Observer

“Funny arguments and insights” - The Guardian

“Authentic conversations from husband and wife Dave Corkery and Cathy Cullen put this series miles ahead of the pack” - Irish Independent

“I find them really charming. They’re very knowledgeable about film. They talk about it in an unfussy, loose conversational way.” - BBC Front Row

“One of our favourite podcasts” - Empire Film Podcast

“The Richard and Judy that we deserve, but never got.” - NME

“Simple, but ingenious.” - The Irish Post

“Intimate, engaging and well worth a listen.” - Pod Bible

“Delightfully simple.” - LeCool London


You’ll most likely see us walking around Cork after a trip to the cinema.

Email: thecinemile@gmail.com